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Rangers FC - Roots and The Deracinated Bheast

Written by: We must be bolder
Thursday, 3rd March 2022

My most important new year’s resolution has been cast aside this week. I vowed for the year at least, in our 150th anniversary, all that I would think and speak about would be Rangers FC. This is such an important year and despite its obvious footballing frustrations in the league (at times), the team are well placed for a second successive league title and have taken impressive scalps in Europe.  

150 years ago, the founding fathers sought to racinate the club with deep seated roots, to sink profound pillars on which a magnificent institution stands to this day and still flourishes. Those foundations have proven to be steadfast and enduring. They have succeeded.

It pains me to mention Bheast FC but mention them I must. I usually explain and argue in articulate and reasoned terms about what I and most right-thinking human beings (even outside the Rangers support) know about the vile institution. What is striking and depressing about this write up by me is the source of anger, despair and incredulity - the board of Rangers FC itself.

The reason I must break a personal promise is the proposed ‘friendly’ scheduled for November this year in Sydney.

The Rangers board have done a superb job in recent years. They have brought credibility back to the club, sought new commercial partners and delivered the long-awaited league title. They deserve credit where it is due and despite some on park frustrations we continue to progress and there is a long way to go in the league. It is to next season that concerns me and the winter break friendly (forced upon us due to bribery and the awarding of a bogus world cup bauble to a corrupt Arab state with no footballing knowledge, history and an infrastructure built on slavery) that now sits on the horizon.

The Rangers FC board have embarked upon a self-inflicted project of fostering anger, dismay and for some, soiling the memory of the very people who set out to racinate the club as the bedrock of Scottish football which in turn became the ‘Quintessential British Club’. They must now live with the consequences.

The actual physical essence of the club is there 150 years later but what of its soul?

The support over the past few hours has, quite rightly, asked very serious questions and has been seething in its criticism. We should not be concerned with Bheast FC except for the 4 times a season we have the misfortune to play against them and at times in additional cup ties. It is bad enough that we must endure Bheast FC as unwelcomed neighbours in our city, never mind colluding with them to make a buck in another hemisphere.

We are not concerned with Bheast FC. What we are concerned about, is the victims of the Bheast FC paedophile ring. We are concerned about being associated with a toxic institution. Is this now the marketing strategy to seek out new markets? Do we now play along and facilitate a home coming tour for Australia’s son and his entourage? Is this what we have become reduced to and at this point in our history?

We have roots. Roots that have evolved into Protestant, Unionist and Loyalist roots. Roots that have resulted in the first major European club celebrating and reaching its 150th anniversary. That anniversary is in danger of being overshadowed by gross mismanagement and the pursuit of money in the form of hubris.

We have signed up to deal with the devil itself. Bheast FC is a vile institution that tried (and failed miserably) to eradicate us. The irony is the very club that has reprehensible roots in another country are the very club trying to erode ours. Bheast FC are the deracinated club in Scotland. The club with a warped sense of itself and where it belongs. Is it Dublin? Cork? Who knows! The soulless club whose support wallow in self-pity, victimhood, MOPERY and are capable of the most mendacious and heinous crimes. As is their historical board members, demonstrable by their cover up of sexual abuse. Bheast FC certainly doesn’t belong in modern Scotland and we certainly don’t belong on the same proposed charted airline to Australia.

We are the racinated, we have the roots. The sooner the Rangers FC board understand this the sooner we can get back to celebrating our next anniversary. Rangers FC do not have a symbiotic relationship with Bheast FC and we never want one in any context.


by Bomber Harris


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