"Let the others come after us. We welcome the chase. It is healthy for us.
We will never hide from it. Never fear."
- William Struth


Written by: Philip Joseph Gerard White
Thursday, 27th June 2019

In matters of truth and justice there is no difference between large and small problems, for issues concerning the treatment of people are all the same. – Albert Einstein

There's a documentary currently available on BBC iPlayer which is well worth a watch.

Roll Red Roll tells a story set in the small city of Steubenville, Ohio. In this city, high school (American) football players are like celebrities. Everyone - kids and adults alike - knows their names. Locals stop them in the street to ask for their autographs. Fans make their own cards with the players' names on them. People even give them gifts.

In 2012 two players from the football team – known locally as "The Big Red" -  were arrested for the brutal rape of a 16 year-old girl at a pre-season party. Curiously the arrests warranted no more than a few lines in the local newspaper. Remember – this football team was worshipped by large sections of the community…..

Events turned sinister. Adults living in Steubenville swamped social media and football sites in particular with scathing posts dismissing the victim. She had a reputation, she was drunk, she was dressed inappropriately, she was a willing participant, she was a whore etc. etc. The victim's family were threatened and abused relentlessly. All of a sudden the victim was the guilty one. Remember – this football team's reputation was beyond question……

A local crime blogger – herself a rape victim – began looking into events and diligently scoured archived social media. What unfolded was a huge cover up involving perpetrators, witnesses, school governors, teachers, football coaches and locally elected representatives. Remember – this was THEIR football team……..

The crime blogger was pursued with venom. She received numerous death threats and was "advised" to leave town. Legal attempts were made to silence her. Remember – this football team were considered by many to be the very backbone of the community…..

The blogger aside, one local detective was determined to see justice, but for a long period seemed to be getting nowhere. What the perpetrators and the cover-up conspirators didn't bank on was the story reaching one particular national investigative journalist…….and the internet hacker group Anonymous.  Anonymous were able to uncover a disgusting video made by a football team friend of the rapists which showed the unconscious victim being brutally sexually assaulted whilst the perpetrators and their friends laughed and joked about it.

The video went viral, with Anonymous disguising the victim's identity. There were now supportive voices very angry about this attack and the cover-up. They were relentless in their demand for justice. The football team's reputation was now in tatters…….as was the reputations of its officials and of Steubenville.

"Occupy Steubenville" protesters from across the USA came to the city to demand justice. They gathered outside the city’s courthouse, and local women told their own stories of rape and cover-ups. It was then that a second victim of members of the football team came forwarded with a similar story. She was 14 when she was raped. This resulted in 4 high school officials and team coaches being charged in relation to the cover-up. One resigned. Others were found guilty in court and were imprisoned.

Something very similar is happening in Scotland at the moment. A football club. Disgusting, sordid crimes of the worst kind. Denial. A wall of silence from elected politicians. A cover-up.

Ms. Sturgeon, Mr. Yousaf, Mr. Lawwell, Mr. Desmond, Mr. McCann, Mr. Kelly, Mr. McGinn.  It's time to do your jobs, act like human beings, seek the truth and come clean, regardless of consequences or financial implications.

You will only be left looking even worse than you already do if you continue on the rocky path the Steubenville elected representatives and football officials followed.

Truth and justice shall prevail. The victims and Scotland deserve it.



by Philip Gerard Joseph White
by Philip Joseph Gerard White


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